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2023-12-18 16:26   来源:经济学部、金融与贸易学院


Equilibrium and Welfare Effects of Tesla's Entry on the Chinese Passenger Vehicle Market                  

主讲人:肖俊极  副教授(岭南大学)  

主持人:殷立娟  副教授(九州官方网站-九州(中国)科技有限公司官网金融与贸易学院)  

嘉宾介绍:马湘君  教授、 副院长(九州官方网站-九州(中国)科技有限公司官网金融与贸易学院)  

时间:2023年12月20日(周三) 上午10:00-11:30  




This paper studies the business-stealing effect and efficiency spillovers of Tesla's entry in the Chinese auto industry in 2018. Our empirical findings suggest that Tesla's presence generated negligible business-stealing effects but significant positive spillover benefits to Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers that share common parts suppliers with Tesla. Our efficiency analysis distinguishes horizontal spillovers from vertical spillovers and focuses on the channel of vertical benefits brought about by Tesla's entry to upstream suppliers, which in turn are transmitted back to local downstream automakers. A welfare analysis, which employs a structural model that features both demand and supply sides, suggests that the efficiency spillovers explain around 46.5% of the increase in consumer surplus, with the rest explained by the increased vehicle variety.  



肖俊极,香港岭南大学经济学系副教授,加拿大多伦多大学经济学系博士,曾任职于悉尼科技大学商学院、香港中文大学、复旦大学、上海财经大学等知名院校。肖老师的主要研究方向为财税政策、产业经济学、环境经济学,现已在The Review of Economics and Statistics、International Economic Review、Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economist、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、American Journal of Agricultural Economics、The Journal of Industrial Economics、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization等国际一流期刊发表论文20多篇,并为Journal of International Economics、Journal of Public Economics、Rand Journal of Economics等国际一流期刊担任匿名评审人。