Upstream Capital Exports and Firm Productivity
时间:2022年10月8日(周六) 10:00-11:30(北京时间)
摘要:Technology diffusion along the global supply chain is important for economic growth, and different countries are got involved in the global supply chain in different ways. In this paper we investigate how a country’s upstream intermediate inputs (including capital good and intermediate good) exports affect domestic downstream firms’ productivity, with Chinese data. Instrumenting Chinese exports with world imports from other countries, we find that Chinese upstream capital good (but not intermediate good) exports have a significantly positive effect on the productivity of downstream firms. The mechanism tests show that capital exports increase the quality of the product, the number of Chinese firms exporting the product, and the average productivity of the industry. These effects transmit to the increased usage of domestic capital goods by downstream firms. In addition, we also find the positive effect on downstream productivity is more pronounced when the upstream suppliers export capital goods to higher-income destinations.
主讲人简介:刘青,经济学博士,中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院教授、博导、副院长,国际经济与金融研究中心主任,兼任中国世界经济学会副会长、中国国际贸易研究会(CTRG)副会长、Journal of International Trade and Economic Development(SSCI)编委等。主要研究世界经济,国际贸易,跨国投资与并购,企业创新,中国经济发展。学术研究成果发表于国内、国际顶级期刊经济研究、世界经济、金融研究、经济学季刊、Journal of International Economics、Journal of Development Economics等, 主持国家社科基金重大专项1项、国家自科基金项目3项、部委及地方政府项目十余项,媒体采访见于人民日报、新华社、新闻联播等,并多次为部委进行讲座培训。关于中国海外并购的论文曾获得国际商务领域最权威学术组织Academy of International Business (AIB) 2015年最佳论文奖,关于贸易与企业创新、纵向投资的论文曾两次获国内国际贸易领域最高奖项“安子介论文奖”,关于国内市场一体化的研究获得商务发展研究成果奖。多项政策研究成果获国家领导人批示或中央部门采用。